Aspects of existence


A prelude

No one has yet appeared as an authority for the cause of life whose powers have permanently failed and who has not found an alternative to exaggeration to make himself heard.  

Where something erroneous has occurred, we have noticed sooner or later from ourselves. But also against an overdetermination of the things we have resisted soon, because it has been harmful for everything.


Slowly it starts

Every spark of happiness will also have a bit of ash. Every bang, no matter how loud, has its rest of silence. Something good, meanwhile, is allowed to happen to everyone. There the moments pass without any harm to anyone.

Then, when we have searched for an adjustment screw for us, thanks to which the good in it should become clear to us, we would like to make use of our appreciation for the given. It should have a stabilizing effect on the human mind. 

In the meantime, we have made sure of one thing. It was also the waters in which we stayed, which determined our subsequent path and thus our happiness. There we looked at the instruments and made something true. Many things have happened in this way, for which we have worked.


Task and idea

I strive for a simple completeness of those things to be preserved by me. Such I would like to reach during this one existence of me. For this it is enough for me to accept something given so as it seems to be true to me. With it I have recognized the physicality of it. 

My work creation has been basically not visible. What of it occurs on the Internet, carries alone only a current state as it existed just at the moment. Basically these publications are to be understood as the cover sheets of my introspection still most likely. Meanwhile I have worked further on it and have made something true. 


The pendulum

Every object has to own the property resulting from its light inside to be able to react to its environment. This should not apply differently to the body of an organism. We humans have such a body in our possession.

How much one has been mistaken. Some have thought that they were free. Yet everything and nothing affects us vehemently. That influences our work.

That's where freedom sets us free to fail. But we have our instances to contain it. 

The inner critic of man should also be his promoter, but sometimes he carries crutches and is blinded. There it is as if disturbed and is hardly suitable for the clearing up of the given. Nevertheless, one must be able to presuppose an orderliness of our work. It is needed.

There we have established something. As a corrective, only that behavior is suitable for something which has completely recognized the given in situ.

That is why we know. We take ourselves back and nevertheless have something good from what we have done. With its coming into being as well as an assignment of the incidents to the known, a securing of its bindingness and a reference to something given man has known to exist as soon as he has found the right sense for his acting.

That's when we look up.


Thoughts and ideas

A person who wants to create something good must also let go of the work at some point. There is to emanate what is to be set free by it. 

The work is, taken for itself, already something valid. For this one has produced it in this form, as it exists. 

What we humans have been granted should also be understood. The man, who has created something, forms the being to the things. 

Meanwhile, we perceived something good. We have thought something. There man exists with all that he has and is. 



Who wants to realize something already said as the ideal of his life, should also think once about what the words say. He soon already takes an attitude fitting to it, as it corresponded to the true, what he has recognized of it. 

It would have to be assumed that every single one of us has participated in the best possible manner in what we have experienced. Since this assessment should be valid for all people, the appropriate ways have also arisen with us. We have walked them. 



The babble of a human being at the time of a spontaneous linguistic revelation contains everything that makes up a language. 

There, one of the first steps towards approaching the good should be possible. What is understandable for other people, that is where we put our attention. Anyone who has ever spoken in tongues also has one. 

Whoever is able to remain silent in addition to this, can process what he has found in the process. The principle 'No Code' leads with its stringent application directly to our ascent. The way of us shall lead to the true conditions of life. 



We all lead a life that brings its tasks by itself. There will be something of it to clarify what that constitutes. A look of the things has been sufficient to it to set up something good with itself. 

The constancy of a person's base conditions his happiness. His paths should turn out to be viable. 

During our lives, internal hardships occur. There are also external pressures for us. Such things have to be dealt with in life. 

No one has gotten along without self-assertion. This is what should make us human beings, that we recognize what is good for us.


The human possible

Some people are just good at stumbling. 

A simple starting point for shaping a person's happiness in life should be what is actually given, as we found it. It should be a lesson for us that we can deal with what is there right now. 

What are we surrounded with? What does it mean for us? - It should be possible for us to grasp something of it. To do this, we take something in our hands and look at it. Then we get an idea of what that object has been. For this, there has been an access. 



Recognize an order

Let's realize once that everything has to own a certain order. In the least that is supposed to be an arrangement of the things what has constituted that. Beyond that further regularities have arisen. So-called patterns and structures are formed. 

Recognizing this process would be important for us humans. The experience of it has a high significance for life.

That's where we approach our task. 



Everything is there, has an effect and should be known to us. There we want to grasp something of it and thus provide for an inner picture of it with us. 

This should distinguish a person, that he likes to deal with such things that mean something to him. 


If someone wonders what is the purpose of creation of my writings, then I answer him that they embody a playground for me. I would like to discuss with their help on this field the bases of cognition, but also a mnemonic.

For me, maintaining a person's ability to learn comes before gaining individual skills. The fundamental is of high value to the whole.


An overview

This world is of a good kind. That is how we imagine it. The key to it should be playful to acquire. Everything has a taste, meanwhile aesthetics secures us humans. 

Benignly everything should have an effect. Our nature is consolidated. We feel that this is normal.

A person's life should be one that appears in a clear way as a whole.

We realized that. As a result, we checked our story. This is how we used to present it, that its content contains truth. It is good the way it is. We have accepted that. 

We have heard the questions of our life. We assign to them the statements of a contemporary event. 

Let's unify our actions, please. We express ourselves clearly on the facts of this existence. In doing so, one word complements the other. 

Then something appeared to us. We developed an idea of the world. 


Thought of a future

Arriving has sometimes been more important than leaving. You also want to be there and be heard with your concerns.


Cosmologically seen this existence with the existence on earth is our 'vacation', which we received more or less wrongfully. 


Reason as an echo of a memory

Those aspects of the existence which have already occurred have all been as phenomena finite of their kind. There they have meant no torment for us. Something can have an effect and nevertheless passes with us. There it will remain perhaps in good memory to us what we have experienced.

Everything should already be there. This would also apply to the actual end of things. We have made an assumption about this. The end is already immanently marked out in the things. 

The emergence of life also causes its continuation. It leads therefore certainly also to its extinction. Nothing of us has eternally time to exist. Everything good passes once. Then it is replaced by something else. 

This is how it is supposed to happen. It is the course of things that everything changes. Life would not be bearable if the structure of this cosmos were not the way it is. We should come to the realization and acknowledge how everything is. We can take advantage of this. 

I would like to remind the readers of this, that there is a happiness and a real chance for us.

Limited is the number of the aspects of the earthly life. Only in this way they occur in a tangible way. We should keep it that way. We survey and supervise what is given to us. Let us connect ourselves to such knowledge of what is given. Let us acknowledge how it is and what has happened. 

Everything given is of a finite nature. Although the sum of the whole of this earth circle must be greater than the sum of the things of an individual, it will also be limited. Much of it was only repetitions which are insignificant for it to increase the value of it. 

Recognizing the good should be something trivial. If you know what something is like that is given to us, you can do something with it. 

For the one who has seen the world, this should be true. What everyone has known have been alone only repetitions of the same. Nothing else than what also we know is to be discovered at it. 

Even if things appear to be nuanced, they always remain what they are. 

The world has an appearance. We can deal with that. It makes the fills with us complete.

There we leave what has turned out well with us. Every living being has something in itself, which can be conscious to him. All the things known to us are made to master the life we lead. There we should learn how to do that. 

Let us become aware of what conditions us. From this point of view, every human being will be of equal value. In the same way, all paths are equally significant for humanity. 

Everything good persists. We emphasize this linguistically. Our words should be suitable to reflect that. 


The harmonic principle

Everything in the world has mattered to us throughout our lives until we have learned to endure individual parts of it. We have found there a way for us, which enables us an affiliation of us to the given. From that moment we have understood something well. 


Realization of an equality of people

Every cause has something in itself which makes it an absolute quantity. Such a one influences the becoming of the things absolutely. Thereby it becomes above all the condition. 

A valence of the given, on the other hand, is something we have to look at from our own position. Thereby we will not find any causes. However, we know that there will be such. This is what we have learned.

It is true that our view does not necessarily reflect truthfully how things have behaved. For some reason, when we spoke of these things, we did not distinguish between the causes and their consequences. Then, when we have looked at the events of the world, it has not yet been obvious. It has been noticed only when we have spoken about it. Then, at first, everything we said seemed wild and confusing. 

Once we describe what we have perceived there, the relationship of us to the given will even be obvious. Thereupon we learn what this means for our fellow men. They will clearly give their relation to our being. 

We have participated in the world through the participation of us only when we have also appeared in it. When we communicated ourselves, it was seen what our point of view was capable of. At that time we were not able to clarify conclusively what constituted the whole, what we experienced. At that point, our statements seemed meager and were called into question. 

Within our presence everything has appeared to us according to its value for us, how it has affected us. That makes the reality that one has experienced it. 

The experienced is supposed to be something which has not represented a cause of the essence of things. So we recognize it in the retrospect, nevertheless, what one has communicated to us. In some places one has clarified something and communicated to us where our weaknesses lie. 

This is what happened in my life. We said incident to what happened because what we experienced testified to personal experience. 

Everything follows from the given, but it reflects our being as things appeared. 

There is something happening. All are processes, what has changed. A second has not occurred without the first. That duality of the given appearing in addition to the sequence of the things has made the thinking about in which world we live and what constitutes our existence unfortunately not easier for us. 

We want to lead our own life in a good way, so we consolidate our knowledge of the truth of what is given. Some of it we have already known. Some other things we have to recognize again before something will improve in us. 

There we have a consolidation of us in mind. We refer to them in our work creation. 


Harmony as a condition

What man has brought about for himself has brought him something good. He deals with it completely rightly. He preserves what he has. After all, he has achieved that himself. 



One can examine the things on that interaction of the circumstances causing them and learn thereby something about their value what is to be recognized there just. So, as one has recognized the given, one should fix it with words. There should be to determine what is possible for us. 

Then, when our observations have also taken shape with language, we can record these words so that they will come to us in turn. There we perceive our thoughts and ideas and bring them into a valid form. 

We look at the result. We verify what has been said and determine what is conditioned by it. 


An escape from experience

What a person finds in himself has made clear something of who he is. This will not always be profitable. Sometimes we have rejected what has arrived for us because we could not stand it. Then we have taken flight and fled from what we have experienced. 

This has resulted in many a loss. We have given our lives out of our hands. 

Reversing this process has been a necessity. But this has only become possible since the circumstances of our existence have improved. 

The experience has brought us to our knees, but it has also lifted us up again.


The articulation of what is said contains a hardness that clarifies something. Who has used it for himself, can clarify some things. Who has shouted against it, has hurt the people. That's when they rightly refused.



My knowledge of the German language was not enough for quite a while. That's why I didn't find anything good for me. When I talked to the people around me, it became obvious. 

Life brings with it its circumstances. It happened to other people similar to us. We all learned the German language at school. We were taught there. The result was poor.

The grades we have received have stood for our performance. They have always been poor.  



Those parts of our own life which we have integrated into our life story equip us. What we have experienced is also suitable for reproduction.


Your own life

Before and after the same should be possible. True to this behavior, we align ourselves in life with what is given and make true what we have known of it.


Open up opportunities

A reference to known magnitudes can facilitate communication with another person immensely. Thus, something can be said that has also already been clear to the interlocutor. In this way, one easily finds a common basis for a conversation.


The last house on the street

The last house of a known area would be the rightly so determined turning point for us. In meditation, too, there can be such reference points to which we would like to turn back. One need not go further than to such a place where things are rightly still familiar to one.

Man should release a happiness of life. For this purpose we purify ourselves. His spirit causes all power of a person and also makes his strength. But before the suitable time to a thing this will hardly appear. One has nothing to gain from it if one has wrongly crossed the existing thresholds of the world.

Speech design


With the first fixed word a text has begun to develop. There everything can be released with it and nothing would be to be prevented from it. But our word should be a right one. You pay attention therefore to the choice of the words. Each further sentence forms the given and forms therefore something, with which you must deal afterwards. 

What you have written once is now entered. You can remember it besides. Blessing or curse can be a language for the human being because not everything would be enough to something right. 

What is determined by the fact that we have said something is supposed to be the progress of things. There the given has an effect. Some good, but also some bad can become true because we have already said something.


Trivial things can be proven without any special effort. 



Man also sustain himself. We are not there only for a joy of others, but also have not found in everything a reason to rejoice that it has appeared. 

It is best to accept the idea that we want to stand out in front of other people with the way we appear. Let's align ourselves with this and be what we are.

We have recognized that. That's what your own seal should be there for, to confirm something like that. Sooner or later, you make a contract with a like-minded person and act according to what it says.

Meanwhile, man is serviceable while he fulfills his duties. However, every man breaks a wrongly given seal again. What has subjugated us unduly, we cannot endure permanently. 



Every person has one that he knows and likes. Sometimes there are also many that we know and like. That's where their relationship with us strengthens over time and something becomes true as a result. A person who is in relationship with us also accepts something from us. After all, we devote ourselves to each other in such a situation.

Since we humans want to preserve existing relationships, it makes little sense for outsiders to deny us something like that. After all, it didn't affect them, so how could such a thing concern them? Just as the stars in the sky are hardly in conflict with each other, we humans should also keep the peace among ourselves. There every single one of them offers a certain measure of orientation. After all, each of them is in its place.

Just as the stars will not leave their ancestral place without necessity for it, also the people exist in the space intended for it and want to exist as what they are.

Nobody has chosen what he will experience in his existence. That will also be right as it is given. One should not disguise anything about what is. Nothing has occurred for no reason, which conditions us until today.


The spectrum of frequencies

The human being moves proportionally. Depending on what he wants to do, some parts are kept still, some parts are guided on a track and the main focus is on the actual active parts of our locomotor system.

Both the silent and the guided parts of our body, related to the action of us, are the basis of our action. They support us and make something possible for us.

The spirit is what maintains and coordinates all this in us. 

We do well to stay on the side of the harmonious quality at the point of greatest activity. By doing so, we maintain our control over the whole of what we are doing. Yes, we even admitted a security to be able to continue to emanate in a harmonious way in any case. This means that we assume for our forces that they are controllable. We have always limited their development and won so many things for us. 

A skill benefits from being in control. 

There the body is charged with frequencies which can have any size. There are coarse forms and fine forms. Both can appear in a harmonious way. 

We did well to first return to the realm of harmonic effects before creating a work.