

A certain independence from the given releases something in us that has stood for us. There we are what we are. 


First, you set up the given with you. You do that in a simple way. Then you allow something to happen. 

Once things get in order, the rest falls into place. 


Consistent structures

Man has something for himself, which makes him. There would be his qualities to call. Such characterize him. That is why we would like to take them into account. 

Something has arisen in the course of a lifetime, which we know. That's where we behave well. Everyone has his complaints, everyone has reason to complain. But everyone also has his task and duty to own. That is what we have been guided by. What one has done once, that's why he has earned. 


Logic of a language design

The words contained in a language result in information as soon as one has joined them. Information is given in two ways. Once there is to be called the informed, that is the person of a human being extended by a knowledge. The other time it concerns a content, the information per se. The latter has been measurable. However, it is rather the potential of a thing than a thing.  

That's when we used logic to expand the words in our own writings. We have tolerated every kind of addition. That is where the texts have grown, but they have also flourished. 

Subsequent to this, redundancies have been found. The text is to be condensed. 

In a cleaning up of the writings Mathias Schneider has taken care to preserve the information contained in it. If he has also shortened his writings, then he has nevertheless brought out the essential of it before. 


Phase II. Morphing

If there is a process which may rightly be called transformation, there must also be a retransformation from such a state. 


The own role

The coexistence of people in the world already creates many a structure by itself. This structure is recognizable and can be discussed. It is of great importance as such, because it has had a very strong effect on the fate of the individual people. That role, which one has taken, should also be filled by us. There we make true what we have agreed among ourselves. 



Thoughts on a matrix

A matrix consists as a structure of similar elements. To the outside, these appear as a unit. They form a fabric. In common usage, the word matrix simply means the structure of a substance. 


Of the content of a thing

Whenever it has become necessary for you to communicate something, communicate with those around you. For this purpose, perform your words with gestures. Illustrate your liveliness, but also a humanity.

Speech design


When creating a card index, you can have certain experiences with how you are equipped. Something we become aware of in the process, because it is to be taken into account in the work. 



Some things are upside down for us. We often use our own analytical abilities wrongly. Instead, we should first set up the rough with us and see that this is sufficient.