One configuration


A meanness, which has not been specially designated as such, has nevertheless sometimes had such an effect.

The closer one has come to the I, the further one has moved away from one's own nature. This consists thanks to a participation of us in an exchange with other people. In the process, we have found ourselves.

Our position according to our nature has been one which definitely has a center to own. However, we have considered ourselves alone only in such a way that we would like to exist in community with our fellow men. With it we have given a high weight to a participation of us and have made something true with us.  


Being a child of the sun

Many years ago, when I once sat there in the dark after a day in the welding shop of a metal workshop, because my eyes were full of lightning, it seemed to me as if the sparse light shining through the slits of the shutter told me my true origin. That's when the light of the sun conveyed a joy to me. I addressed that and said how I felt. In doing so, I called myself a child of the sun and felt that to be true at that moment. However, I was not recognized and also not understood. I wonder if that was because of me. - Similarly, at that time I had experiences in which I was put in a bad light in front of my fellow human beings. 

I have described something perceived by me from time to time, but I have not found out until today what people have spoken or written about me in truth. That fact that I still suspect it, that it can have been nothing good, I admit to myself. There I would like to be allowed to express or write down how it has happened to me with this idea. After all, it has something to do with my life and me. It also concerns me.


Access to speech formation

Everything and nothing has made it out, which is to us humans. There everyone has chosen his things. One arranges it for oneself that one can and would like to form them. The given will appear thereby as occurrence. Such a thing is subject to all experience values of a human being.

We interact with each other. Afterwards, we experience the reactions of our fellow human beings to what we have done. But they have also acted and been active. Sometimes we press ourselves against the wall and yet they attack us. Some straddle our feet, others simply hit us. Man looks at what is given and withdraws into his own area. What he does there, no one should be allowed to deny him. It is private.

People don't have good expectations of each other and lead a corresponding existence. That is fundamentally the case. Trust requires a foundation that must first be built before it can endure.

People call those their friends whom they have not looked down upon to the same extent as it has happened to us. People basically do not concede anything good to each other and also make sure that the works have not arrived in the same way as they have endured on their own. Accesses are deliberately denied. The position of the powerful gives them a certain prerogative. This makes for scuffles among us ordinary people. There everything has been exclusive and allocated. We have not belonged to it at all times and that is why we have been excluded at times. 

They often had too much fun with us. That is why we have been dissatisfied with it. What will be possible for us in our existence has certainly been enough for more than we have been granted so far. We recognize that. We realize what has happened. Meanwhile we deal with these things. Thereby we have found many a true word for it, which has correctly described the facts of our existence.

Some of the behavior of the incumbents has still been brazen and appeared so. Accordingly, it has affected us. 

May it happen that it is sincerely reflected by us, how something has been true for us. There should begin with us a reflection of our history. We do this through an alignment that takes place within us and we come to terms with it. 


The lone fighter and its unity

Whoever has fought predominantly in life is a warrior. But he who has to go through it all alone should rightly be called a lone warrior. That's how he feels. He has not found his happiness in doing so. He who has always had his back to the wall is only apparently comfortable doing it alone. He has not done this without reason. Since he has always been attacked from all sides, he has at least found some protection for his back. Meanwhile, his struggle has continued uninterruptedly. There was no escape for him.


Mental injuries

If the person has not been noticed anymore, he has suffered terrible things. It should be the same whether the sufferings which have been inflicted on him have come about through external coercion or through the ignorance of other people. A suffering is supposed to be something that can be named. Thus one may infer what that has designated. After all, it has had an effect on us once. 

Something has happened there that is still basically unheard. The failure to receive the words can hurt us additionally because it has oppressed us. There one has dealt badly with us at times before. What means something for us, has also its value to own. 



A coherent order 

The experiment and its effect give us in this existence insights into the connections of this world. 

A system of individual components has to settle down before its value becomes apparent. This requires some time and the consistency of patience. Everything still has to come to us. 

A system of discord, on the other hand, is characterized by abandonment and unfinished works. There, no one gets anything out of what has been done. Such relationships have not produced anything good. 

However, man deserves a whole new chance every day. We have realized this and await the light. Life wants to be accepted by us.

Certain things go along with this life. We have arranged them well for ourselves, but we have not chosen them. A choice has existed for us alone only when we have focused on ourselves. This focus on our own good has led us to gradually let go of all distracting moments and keep our peace with ourselves


Precision and coordination

Something is what it is. That should be valid. Thus we can see something, thus we can be. There we accept as true what has happened. Some things have already happened. That's why this should attain a meaning for us. On it we make further things.

What we have set up for ourselves is ready for us. There one should be able to recognize something and leave it as it has been with us.


A human being has something of his own that sets him in motion. He deals with it and is more or less happy to move. He has done well not to attach too much importance to such a thing. However, it is to be recognized nevertheless. 

Whoever is satisfied in life with experiencing something has experienced the happiness of the simple-minded. What he will get out of it has been something uncertain.