Speech design


Write something down from the given

There is something contained in man from which he draws his thoughts. 

A good friend once advised me that I should name the core concepts of my language design. In addition, I should describe what about them has a special value for me when I use them. 

Until now, I have assumed that the inner images of a human being arise of their own accord in each one of us. This happens by itself in a true way. Thus I have created my whole work show and have hardly indicated anything of it which has illuminated my inner world beyond the bare words. Instead I have dealt with such descriptions which have thrown light on the processes predisposed with me. But I am only conditionally happy with this, because not everything has been shown by it, which has been of importance for the relevant facts.

At the interface of word and process description now the word is to be taken and clarified separately. For this I describe that background of it, which I have imagined thereby. Its terminology deviates with me partly considerably from the otherwise usual one, because I reinterpreted the words in progressive way. I really charge the special terms used by me by reinterpretations in their value for my cause. This is a unique feature of my writings. It would not be possible to guess what meanings I have attached to the words. Therefore it should be meaningful and stately that I show them something of it and so provide the key to the understanding for it. 

Depositing the words with alternative traces of their valence puts them into context in a different way and gives them the valence of keywords. I did this mostly with very inconspicuous words. But then, as a rule, I did not even point out how such a thing could be done. I have not informed my readership to the last consequence about the value of my statements. I have also not mentioned when and where the words have received such a coloring. 

Therefore it should be good now that I have spoken once of it. From now on I will intersperse sporadic explanations of terms in my writings as soon as it has become clear to me that they are necessary for a better understanding of their content. 

Under the motto of a language design I have created my writings so far willingly. Thereby I have done nothing else like every other author. However, an access to the bases of my work is opened to an outsider alone only if the gate opens to him also there where I have moved mentally. 

Frankly I say that my writings are the work of a former adept of the Tarot, who with the help of such cards has learned to understand and to represent the whole of a life as a human being in the whole. Even though I have already put the cards away and put them back in a box, I still deal with their images. For me they have an overdrawn character. I have trained myself in the interpretation of a language of pictorial works, the nucleus of my creativity flows into each of my modes of activity. Something has unfolded in the process, which has been good.   

My cognitive aptitude has also been conditioned by chess early in my life and also evidenced by certain successes in it. I liked to look at positional diagrams and look for passable opportunities to defend my lines well. The fact that I rarely read about chess in books has meant that I have acquired my knowledge of it on my own in the respective situations at the board. Of course, before that I received an introduction to chess by a competent teacher. Therefore an overview of the whole has always been possible for me. Thereby I have included my environment.   

The fact that something like this was possible for me within certain limits made me trust in the fundamental of my being and gave me courage to repeat this experience in other areas of activity.  

After years of preparation and training on a small scale, I rose above it when I was about thirty and experienced that the greater and the lesser (microcosm and macrocosm) are correspondences of each other. Soon after, I read a key work, essential for me, about the people of the Renaissance period and reawakened my fondness for books. What I hardly had time for during my studies of mechanical engineering, I made up for from then on.    

In the meantime it has come to the fact that I play the 'big' chess nowadays and interpret the real cards. To accept the given in such a way, as it has been, has given me besides the power to be to a large extent fair to a vibration of the materials. Knowledge about it I have developed on my own initiative. 

At some point I evaluated my existence and came to the conclusion that I act like an augur of the times of Roman conditions. I stay mostly in the same place and travel little. Furthermore, I watch the flight of birds and listen to the rustle of my surroundings. 

That's when I learned to feel something about it. I consider myself independent of it. Basically I act sovereign to a large extent. Many a dance and many a game have already taken place in this way in my life, something of it has shaped my good taste. A certain independence has been granted to me by this in certain areas, which has made the appearance of my works possible. 

Have I also felt joy in expanding my library with all kinds of media, but I work out a material that is strongly connected with my experience. My things have thereby received their meaning and are colored accordingly.



I consider my writings to be complete when they, seen for themselves, have turned out coherently of their kind and are ready for use. I check this for every single part of it. For this purpose I apply the statements contained in them to some of the everyday occurrences with me. Thus I can determine their use value.

I would like to give up in my work nothing of what makes me or conditions me. There I bring the relevant things in my work show and add with own words something to it what the facts of it describe. That has in principle a value for me to own. So I can clarify some true facts to the readership to my life with my writings. I have believed that the things of a person can be named well with words written especially by him. I also recognize that the completion of such a task brings about good consequential effects. 

Based on the assumption that there will still be some work to be done, I have maintained that this body of work offers me a certain perspective.



I have always suspected that I can create something, which thereupon will exist completely rightly. In the meantime, I have created many a conclusion of those things given to me and have found that everything is good as I do. Meanwhile I soon went to the core of my own thing and created it in a simplified form. There it has already appeared before me and has offered me an orientation. 

Of it something would like to be linguistically fixed in its quality and valence by me. I did that willingly. 

So I write down something true from those peculiarities of my life. I have used my writings to align them with each other. For this purpose I mainly look at a personal aspect of it, what has occurred during this time with me at feelings and impulses. I deduce a usability of my writings from the fact whether it suited me. That is why the creation of works has a meaningful effect on me. I am also able to name something like that. 

Some things have been well added to the existing text work. Everything has been extended by me gradually. I have dealt with many a reason and have found myself. In the everyday lessons I have always put into practice something of what has driven me. I am glad that I have taken care of my inner world. 

I like to build on my own assets with my things. Something that has once been conveyed to me sufficiently well has mostly also become a supporting component of the whole for me at some point. There it belongs into a framework valid for it. That is to happen with a representation of it. It says what is known to me of it. 


Completeness of a font

With his file 'Baukasten' Mathias Schneider operates a system of thoughts and ideas, all of which have sprung from his mind. He named them and then realized with dismay that the resulting works were not enough for anything. He did not bet like that and that is why he went into seclusion with himself. He wanted to improve his speech and tried to do it. It seemed important to him to ensure the practicability of his words in the writings. Something that has not led to any action has not corresponded to anyone. 

In the course of the years of this work on his work, Mathias Schneider has noticed how much he is affected by the unwillingness of people to say something right. He did not let such a thing sit on him and made something true, which was more to his liking. Thus he has given space to a triviality of his thoughts. 

His previous phases of life have marginally contributed to an improvement of his goods. In the sum, the whole of what he has created has now already been reasonably well put together and determined. Meanwhile, he has adhered to a simple rule that has standardized his writing process. 

Starting from the present value of a thing known to him, he determines the incident matching it. He relates it to the knowledge he knows about such things.

Of course, the author has no special wisdom. At best, he has his own tools at hand to put words to something that deserves to be heard by a readership. 

However, his pronunciation mostly appeared garbled in the first step of creating his phrases. It didn't suit him then what he wrote. For this reason, he searched for the appropriate lessons and found some of them to improve. 

With a good use of his skills, he has plowed the given. This has contributed significantly to the improvement of his quality of life. 

This quality of life makes a difference. Something like this has already improved his current starting point. The author is very anxious to remove from himself all further linguistic barriers, if they are superfluous. Coping with what happens to him has encouraged him to continue in this direction with caution and prudence. 


A principle

It is a matter of gaining something from life. To this end, Mathias Schneider applies the idea that he is aware of what constitutes his existence. 

He used to read some books there. He found joy in them. The respective thoughts he had about them gave him an orientation for life. Nowadays, he likes to evaluate his thoughts and create his own works with the help of them. He writes down his ideas about existence as a human being in order to be able to revise them afterwards. What can be confirmed, he still keeps. 


Empty hands

Man has his forms. They should be basically the same for all people. Everything that has been additional to that, on the other hand, is something we can safely neglect. 

Man has a possession for himself. This is valid for all people. By means of a simple basic form we find the first posture for us. Then the cycle of yoga begins by itself with us. Something becomes true thereby, which has been that before. The thing we always strive for is the approximate preservation of the given.